Keyword: перечни

Product Matches
Name Summary SKU
KMS 1.0:2005 National standardization system of the Kyrgyz Republic. The main provisions. KYRG83511
KMS 1.10:2005 National standardization system of the Kyrgyz Republic. Rules and recommendations. Rules of development, approval, renewal and cancellation KYRG83512
KMS 1.14:2010 National standardization system of the Kyrgyz Republic. Methods for the adoption of international standards, international instruments, regional standards and national standards of other states as national standardization documents KYRG83513
KMS 1.15:2006 National standardization system of the Kyrgyz Republic. The procedure for preparation of notifications on drafts of regulations. Kyrgyzstandard KYRG83514
KMS 1.2:2005 National standardization system of the Kyrgyz Republic. National standards. Rules of development, approval, renovation and cancellation KYRG83515
KMS 1.4:2005 National standardization system of the Kyrgyz Republic. Standards of the enterprises. General provisions KYRG83516
KMS 1.5:2005 National standardization system of the Kyrgyz Republic. National standards. Rules for structuring, presentation, registration and marking KYRG83517
KMS 1.6:2005 National standardization system of the Kyrgyz Republic. Technical committees on standardization. Rules of formation and activity. The main provisions KYRG83518
KMS 1.7:2005 National standardization system of the Kyrgyz Republic. Terms and definitions KYRG83519
KMS 1.8:2005 National standardization system of the Kyrgyz Republic. The procedure for organizing and carrying out works on interstate standardization. KYRG83520
KMS 1010:2005 The requirements for the competence of personnel in the field of standardization, certification and personnel certification procedure. Chg. 1 IUS KR №2-2006. Chg. 2 IUS KR №1-2008 KYRG83521
KMS 15.3.01:1999 System of development and launch of new products. The procedure for the development and launch of new products by small and medium enterprises KYRG83522
KMS The certification system Kyrg.ST. Standards of EC system in the Kyrgyz Republic. System of environmental certification of the Kyrgyz Republic. The main provisions KYRG83523
KMS 21.15.001-95 System of development and launch of new products for construction. Standard samples of products in the construction industry and building materials. The procedure for manufacturing, approval, registration and storage. KYRG83524
KMS 40.01-98 The certification system Kyrg.ST. General provisions. To replace KMS 40.01-95 KYRG83539
KMS 40.07:2000 The certification system Kyrg.ST. The main provisions and procedure for certification of products. To replace KMS 10.07-95 KYRG83540
KMS 40.106:2000 The certification system Kyrg. ST. The system of certification of vehicles, their components and accessories. The procedure for certification of vehicles, their components and accessories in terms of safety requirements KYRG83541
KMS 40.13:1997 The certification system Kyrg.ST. The general procedure for the treatment of samples, used in carrying out mandatory certification of products. Chg. 1 IUS KR №1-2000. Chg. 2 IUS KR №2-2000 KYRG83542
KMS 40.14-2005 System of conformity assessment Kyrg.ST. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions. To replace KMS 40.14-97 KYRG83543
KMS 40.15-98 The certification system Kyrg.ST. The procedure for issuing and protection of certificates of compliance. To replace RD 146-40-001-96, Chg. 1 IUS KR №4-98, Chg. 2 IUS KR №4-2000 KYRG83544
KMS 40.305-96 The certification system Kyrg.ST. The procedure for certification of paints and varnishes KYRG83545
KMS 40.718-98 The certification system Kyrg.ST. National mark of conformity. The shape, size and technical requirements. To replace KMS 40.718-95 KYRG83546
KMS 40.8.106:2000 The certification system Kyrg.ST. Rules and procedure for the certification of measuring instruments KYRG83547
KMS 44-78 Mobile camps OP-4 "Kyrgyzstan". General Specifications. To replace RST Kirg.SSR 44-71 KYRG83548
KMS 45.02.01:1999 System of accreditation of certification bodies, test and measurement laboratories in the Kyrgyz Republic. The procedure for the examination of documents on accreditation of testing laboratories. Inspection control over state test centres. Measuring instruments and metrological services. Organization and procedure KYRG83549
KMS System of accreditation of certification bodies, test and measurement laboratories in the Kyrgyz Republic. The procedure for inspection control over the activities of bodies for certification of products and services KYRG83550
KMS 6.30:1999 Unified systems of documentation. The unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for registration of documents. Kyrgyzstandard, Central State Archive of the Kyrgyz Republic KYRG83551
KMS 7.0-99 Unified system for classification and coding of technical, economic and social information of the Kyrgyz Republic. The main provisions. Kyrgyzstandard. To replace GOST 6.01.1-87 KYRG83552
KMS 7.1-99 Unified system for classification and coding of technical, economic and social information of the Kyrgyz Republic. The procedure for the development of state classifiers. Kyrgyzstandard KYRG83553
KMS 735-2006 Hammers, hydraulic, type "Impulse". General specifications. Institute of Engineering National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic. To replace KMS 1996 735-96 KYRG83554
KMS 745-97 Electric heating boilers. General specifications. Scientific and technical centre "Electrotechnics" KYRG83555
KMS 768.99 Bar coding. The main provisions KYRG83556
KMS 769-99 Bar coding. Barcodes EAN. Requirements for generation KYRG83557
KMS 770-99 Bar coding. Placement of EAN barcode symbols on the containers and packaging. General requirements KYRG83558
KMS 8.000:2005 The national system of metrology of the Kyrgyz Republic. The main provisions. To replace KMS 8000: 2002 KYRG83559
KMS 8.003:2009 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. Model provision on metrological service of the state executive bodies, public organizations and entities. To replace KMS 8.003: 2002 KYRG83560
KMS 8.004:2003 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. Measurement standards. The order of development, approval, registration, use and storage. To replace KMS 8.004-96 KYRG83561
KMS 8.005:2006 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. The procedure for maintaining the State Register of certified reference materials of composition and properties of substances and materials. To replace KMS 8.005-99 KYRG83562
KMS 8.006-2002 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. The procedure of the state metrological supervision of quantity of pre-packaged products of any kind during their packaging and sale. General requirements. To replace KMS 8.006-95 KYRG83563
KMS 8.008-99 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. The procedure of the state metrological supervision of the release, condition and use of measurement instruments, certified measurement procedures, standards, and compliance with metrological rules and regulations. To replace KMS 8.008-96 KYRG83564
KMS 8.012:2005 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. The procedure for maintaining the State Register of measuring instruments. To replace KMS 8.012-98 KYRG83565
KMS 8.013:2004 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. The procedure for testing and type approval of measuring instruments. To replace KMS 8.013-98 KYRG83566
KMS 8.014:2010 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. The procedure for certification of testing equipment. The main provisions. To replace GOST 24555-81 KYRG83567
KMS 8.016:2004 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. Verification of measuring instruments. Organization and procedure. To replace KMS 8.016-98 KYRG83568
KMS 8.017:2006 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. Analysis of measurement uniformity assurance in scientific institutions. The order of organization and performance of works. To replace KMS 8.017-98 KYRG83569
KMS 8.018:2007 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. Metrological expertise of scientific and technical documentation. Methodology, organization and procedure of implementation. To replace KMS 8.018-98 KYRG83570
KMS 8.019:2008 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. Metrological expertise of the technical documentation. Organization and procedure. To replace KMS 8,019: 2003 KYRG83571
KMS 8.021:2009 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. Metrological certification of measuring instruments. Organization and procedure. To replace KMS 8.021-2001 KYRG83572
KMS 8.022:2002 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. Model provision on the responsibility for ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the scientific institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic KYRG83573
KMS 8.023:2002 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. Organization of accounting of measuring instruments in scientific institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic KYRG83574
KMS 8.033:2006 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. State verification scheme for means of temperature measurement. To replace KMS 8.033: 1999 KYRG83575
KMS 8.037:2000 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. Model provision on experts in metrology of research institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic KYRG83576
KMS 8.039:2007 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. State verification scheme for means of measuring the voltage of 0.0001 - 1000 V in the frequency range 20-3x107 Hz. To replace KMS 8.039: 2001 KYRG83577
KMS 8.040:2007 National system for uniformity of measurements of the Kyrgyz Republic. State verification scheme for means of measurement of force. To replace KMS 8.040 : 2001 KYRG83578
KMS 803:2000 Organization of safe transportation of passengers and goods by automobile vehicles. Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic KYRG83579
KMS 823:2001 Standardization of services. The main provisions KYRG83580
KMS 832:2001 Hotels. Requirements to ensure the safety of accommodation KYRG83581
KMS EN 1572:2000 (EN 1572:1996) Bar coding. The identification code for the transport units. Kyrgyzstandard KYRG83582
KMS EN 1573:2000 (EN 1573:1996) Bar coding. Universal transport label. Kyrgyzstandard KYRG83583
KMS EN 45002:2001 (EN 45002:1989) General requirements for the assessment of testing laboratories. Kyrgyzstandard KYRG83584
KMS EN 45003:2001 (EN 45003:1989) General requirements for bodies performing accreditation of laboratories. Kyrgyzstandard KYRG83585
KMS EN 798:2000 (EN 798:1995) Bar coding. Requirements for the characters. Kyrgyzstandard KYRG83586
KMS GOST R ISO 9004:2011 Managing for the sustained success of the organization. An approach based on quality management (GOST R ISO 9004: 2010.IDT) KYRG83593
KMS GOST RISO/MEK 65:2002 General requirements for bodies performing product certification. Kyrgyzstandard KYRG83594
KMS ISO 10013-99 (ISO 10013-95) Guidelines for developing quality manuals. Kyrgyzstandard KYRG83597
KMS ISO 6703/1:2001 Water quality. Determination of cyanides. Part 1: Determination of total cyanide. Introduced for the first time, Kyrgyzstandard 10.05.2001. № 49-ST KYRG83599
KMS ISO 6703/2:2001 Water quality. Determination of cyanides. Part 2. Determination of readily isolated cyanide. Introduced for the first time, Kyrgyzstandard 10.05.2001. № 49-ST KYRG83600
KMS ISO 6703/4:2001 Water quality. Determination of cyanides. Part 4: Determination of cyanide by diffusion at pH 6. Introduced for the first time, Kyrgyzstandard 10.05.2001. № 49-ST KYRG83601
KMS ISO 8288:2001 Water quality. Determination of cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric methods. Introduced for the first time, Kyrgyzstandart 10.05.2001. № 49-ST KYRG83602
KMS ISO 9001:2009 Quality management systems. Requirements KYRG83603
KMS ISO/MEK 17020:2010 General criteria for the operation of various types of regulatory bodies KYRG83608
KMS ISO/MEK 17021:2008 Conformity assessment. Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems KYRG83609

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